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What factors affect the cutting efficiency of diamond segment?
Diamond segment is the most widely used cutting tool, what factors affect the cutting efficiency of diamond segment?

1, force effect, temperature effect and grinding breakage: diamond round head in the process of cutting stone, will be centrifugal force, segment force, segment heat and other cross-change load role.

2, the speed of the intake: the speed of the knife is the segment stone feed speed. Its size affects the segment rate, the force of the segment, and the cooling of the segment area. Its value should be selected according to the nature of the head stone. Generally speaking, the knife is soft stone, such as marble, can appropriately improve the speed of the inlet, if the speed of the inlet is too low, more conducive to improve the knife rate. The granite with the fine grain structure of the segment and the homogeneous, can appropriately improve the speed of the inlet, if the speed of the inlet is too low, the diamond blade is easy to be sharpened.

3, diamond particle size:
commonly used diamond particle size in the range of 30/35 to 60/80. The harder the rock, it is advisable to choose a finer granularity. Because under the same pressure, the diamond is finer and sharper, which is conducive to cutting into hard rock.

4, the hardness of the segment binding agent: in general, the higher the hardness of the binding agent, the stronger its anti-wear ability. Therefore, when the segment abrasive rock, the hardness of the binding agent should be high, when the segment material soft rock, the hardness of the binding agent should be low, when the segment abrasive and hard rock, the binding agent hardness should be moderate.

5, segment concentration: increase the diamond concentration is expected to extend the life of the segment, because the increase disconcentration is to reduce the average cutting force of each diamond. However, increasing the depth necessarily increases the cost of the segment, so there is a most economical concentration, and the concentration increases with the increase of the cut rate.

6, segment depth: Generally speaking, when the line speed of the diamond round segment is high, should choose a small cut depth, from the current technology, the depth of the segment diamond can be selected between 1mm to 10mm. Usually with a large diameter segment blade granite waste material, the segment depth can be controlled between 1mm to 2mm, at the same time should reduce the speed of the incoming knife. When the line speed of the diamond round segment is large, a large depth of cut should be selected.

7, the segment line speed: from the best segment life and head efficiency, should be based on the nature of different stone to choose the line speed of the segment. When the segment granite, the speed of the segment line can be selected in the range of 25m to 35m/s.

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